

Page history last edited by Ellen Dougherty 7 months, 3 weeks ago


Technology in ESOL Classrooms & Preparing Teachers for Successful Integration


TESOL Intersection Presentation: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

and Elementary Education Interest Sections 


March 18th, 2011


Technology Showcase Room 01

New Orleans Convention Center

Web cast recording of this session 



katydid resized and close-up

Photo Source: Sandra Annette Rogers


This has been added I I would like to keep this page active as a resource. Regards, Ellen



Presenters:  Dr. Christel Broady, Dr. Karen Kuhel, Ellen Dougherty, Margaret McKenzie, Stacey Abbott, Sandra Annette Rogers and Benjamin Fabie




PowerPoint Presentation


Session Summary:  The panel explores successful integration of technology in ELL elementary classrooms, considering the why (research findings) and how (practical examples and demonstration of technology). It also discusses training: 1) how teachers can be successfully prepared in teacher education programs, and 2) two online TESOL professional development opportunities in technology. Participants are given the time and opportunity to ask questions and share.


This wiki has been edited on January 6, 2023 to keep the wiki active. PBWorks reclaims a wiki if it has not been edited in 12 months.


Edited May 23, 2024 for the same reason :).


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