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Adaptive Technology

Page history last edited by Sandra Annette Rogers 13 years, 4 months ago

Adaptive Technology Tools





Section 508 Checklist


Standards for Web site content to meet the needs of persons with disabilities.



Converts text-to-speech (TTS) or speech-to-text (STT) for free.  You can control the speed of the voice delivery.  It catalogues the number of recordings in its library.
US Government



Provides webinars and updates on the latest technology available or the lack thereof in various situations.


Boston College & Boston University



Assist individuals with limited movement use their head to direct the mouse cursor.  FREE! 


The Principles of Universal Design, NC State University


Universal Design Poster  These principles will help you create activities and an environment accessible for all learners.

Internet Explorer 8


Accessibility in IE8
Microsoft tutorial on the accessibility options for using Internet Explorer 8.
Microsoft Windows XP



Tutorial on the ability to have the computer read the text in your documents. TTS is text-to-speech.

They feature auto-captioning to benefit not only deaf users, but also people who watch videos in really noisy places, like airport terminals. The tool will be able to translate captions into your choice of 50 languages. For now, however, auto-captioning works only with videos in English


Apple   They claim to create their products with accessibility in mind as standard features http://www.apple.com/accessibility/



Dear Teachers,


Please add to our growing list or webliography on adaptive technology.  See the training manual page to edit and add links or documents.  We encourage you to add your favorite tools even if they fall into non-specific areas of assistance, such as motivational videos or time saving short-cuts.  You'll need to ask for "writer access" to edit the page. 


Additionally, I would like to share one of the most thought-provoking videos that I have ever seen on rethinking the concept and words associated with persons with disabilities. The Opportunity of Adversity by Aimee Mullins: http://cnn.com/video/?/video/living/2010/03/08/ted.aimee.mullins.ted





Sandra Rogers

Comments (1)

Christine Bauer-Ramazani said

at 2:14 pm on Apr 5, 2011

Thank you for adding this, Sandra!

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